Scully 409C
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 5700
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701


Ph.D. (CACREP accredited), Counselor Education and Counseling, Idaho State University
M.A.Ed. (CACREP accredited), School Counseling, Montana State University
B.S., Child and Family Studies, University of Southern Mississippi


Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Missouri Committee for Professional Counselors
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Idaho Board of Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists
Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC), National Board of Certified Counselors
Certified School Counselor, Montana Office of Public Instruction
Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE), National Council on Family Relations

Courses Taught

Advanced Play Therapy
School Counseling Practicum
School Counseling Internship
Developmental Theories
Advanced Career Counseling
Crisis Intervention and Consultation
Advanced Educational Processes
Counseling Theories

Research Interests

Counselor Development, Play Therapy, Social Justice and Feminist Pedagogy

Professional Interests

School Counseling, Play Therapy, Trauma-Informed Counseling, Child Development


Portrie-Bethke, T., Bastian Hanks, B., Wagner, H. H., & Alexander-Albritton, C. (2022). Systemic ecology in understanding somatic symptoms and related disorders. In DSM- 5 and Family Systems: An Applied Approach, Springer Publishing.

LaMantia, K., & Wagner, H.H. (2022). Contributed to Chapter 4 of: Grant, K. & Ray, J. (2022). Home, school, and community collaboration (5th ed.). Sage Publications.

Bohecker, L., LaMantia, K., & Wagner, H.H. (2021). Amplifying their Voices: Women Theorists of Psychotherapy and Counseling, Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.

Anekstein, A., Wells, P., Cleveland, R., Hill, N., Kerwin, A., & Wagner, H. H. (2019). The Perceived Stressors and Coping Skills of Graduate Students: A Development and Validation Study, Journal of Counseling Research and Practice.

LaMantia, K. & Wagner, H. H. (2018). White privilege. In P. Parry & S. Thompson (Ed.), Exploring campus diversity: Case studies and exercises. Landham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

LaMantia, K. & Wagner, H. H. (2018). LGBTQ+ populations. In P. Parry & S. Thompson (Ed.), Exploring campus diversity: Case studies and exercises. Landham, MD:Rowman & Littlefield.

LaMantia, K. & Wagner, H. H. (2018). Being an ally. In P. Parry & S. Thompson (Ed.), Exploring campus diversity: Case studies and exercises. Landham, MD:Rowman & Littlefield.

LaMantia, K., Bohecker, L., & Wagner, H. H. (2018). Feminist pedagogy: Reformation of power between professor and counseling student. Feminist Teacher.

Portrie-Bethke, T., Bastian Hanks, B., Hill, N. H., Wagner, H. H., & Alexander-Albritton, C. (2017). Systemic ecology in understanding somatic symptoms and related disorders. In DSM-5 and Family Systems: An Applied Approach, Springer Publishing.

Cottone, R., & Wagner, H. H. (2017). Adlerian psychotherapy: The “Individual Psychology” of Alfred Adler. In Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Individual and Relational Approaches. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Wagner, H. H., Thaier, C., & Hutchison, B. (2015, November). Revisiting Ferguson. In Counseling Today, Online Exclusives. American Counseling Association.

Wagner, H. H., & Hill, N. H. (2015). Becoming counselors through growth and learning: The entry transition process. Counselor Education & Supervision, 54(3).

LaMantia, K., Wagner, H. H., & Bohecker, L. (2015). Ally development through feminist pedagogy: A systemic focus on intersectionality. Journal for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Issues in Counseling, 9(2).

LaMantia, K., & Wagner, H. H. (2015). Strength-based supervision with story stones. In Group Work Experts Share Their Favorite Supervision Activities. Association for Specialists in Group Work.

Hutchison, B., Leigh, K., & Wagner, H. H. (2015). Early adulthood: Emotional and social development. In Human Growth and Development, Wiley Publishing.

Hill, N., Portrie-Bethkie, T., Hanks, B., & Wagner, H. H. (2015). Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. In A Counselor’s Guide to Diagnosing and Treating Children and Adolescents with DSM-5 Disorders, Wiley Publishing.

Hill, N., Hanks, B., Wagner, H. H., & Portrie-Bethkie, T. (2015). Early childhood: Physical and cognitive development. In Human Growth and Development, Wiley Publishing.

Wagner, H. H., & Elliott, A. (2014). Adlerian adventure-based counseling to enhance self-esteem in school children. Journal of School Counseling, 12(15).

Select Presentations

Wagner, H.H. & LaMantia, K. (2022). Working Through Trauma in the
Sandtray, Presentation at Missouri School Counselor Association (MSCA), Osage
Beach, MO

Ward, J., Wagner, H.H., LaMantia, K. (2019). Becoming an Approved Center for Play Therapy,
Roundtable Discussion at Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES), Seattle, WA

Wagner, H.H.; Ward, J. (2019). Utilizing Client Centered Play Therapy within the Trauma Informed
School, Presentation at Missouri School Counselor Association (MSCA), Osage Beach, MO

Stinchfield, T., Hill, N. R., Wagner, H. H., Barrio Minton, C. (2019). Shoulders to Stand on: Research
Mentoring for the Next Generation, Panel Presentation at Association of Counselor Education and
Supervision (ACES), Seattle, WA

Wagner, H. H., Ward, J., LaMantia, K. (2017). “Play Therapy Across the Ages: Utilizing Play with Adults in Crisis Situations” , Presentation at Missouri School Counselor Association (MSCA), Osage Beach, MO
Ward, J., & Wagner, H. H. (2016). “How to Become a School-Based RPT”, Presentation at Missouri School Counselor Association (MSCA), Osage Beach, MO

LaMantia, K., Wagner, H. H., & Hackenewerth, T. (2017). Developing a play therapy center within a counselor training clinic, Clinical Directors and Placement Coordinators (CDPC) Pre-Conference, Association for Counselor Education and Supervision National Conference. Chicago, IL.

Wagner, H. H., LaMantia, K., & Bohecker, L. (2016). Feminist Pedagogy and Intersectionality: Facilitating Ally Development in Counselors, Educational Session at American Counseling Association (ACA), Montreal, QC, Canada

Rambo, S, & Wagner, H. H. (2016). “School-Based Play Therapy: It’s Time to Play!”, Presentation at Missouri School Counselor Association (MSCA), Osage Beach, MO

Rambo, S, & Wagner, H. H. (2016). “Let’s Play! Illuminating the Need for School-Based Play Therapy”, Presentation at North Central Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (NCACES), Minneapolis, MN

Wagner, H. H., LaMantia, K., & Hill, N. R. (2014). Social Justice Standards at the Doctoral Level, Presentation at North Central Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (NCACES), Saint Louis, MO