Background Check
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How to Obtain a Fingerprint Background Check
(These background check instructions are only for Southeast. Do not follow these instructions for substitute or initial certification (DESE). Please follow DESE’s background check instructions for certification purposes.)
To participate in any field experience, you must provide evidence of having had an updated fingerprint background check on file with the Teacher Preparation Program. Southeast Missouri State University Teacher Preparation Program background checks do not expire until a student graduates, changes majors, or withdraws from the university for more than one semester.
To see if you have an up-to-date valid fingerprint background check, email .
You can provide evidence of having had a valid background check by doing the following:
- Complete a background check for Southeast Missouri State University by:
- Step 1: Complete this waiver form and email it to (This form requires a signature. You may need to print the form, sign it, and then scan it or take a picture to email it.) Your fingerprint background check will not be valid without this form on file. Once Step 1 is completed, you will receive an email with your next steps.
Recommended Timeline for Background Check and Substitute Certification
It is important to note that all students are required to have an up-to-date MSHP/FBI background check to be eligible for all field and clinical experiences. Failure to follow these recommendations may result in a delayed start to field placement. Since circumstances may be unique, always confirm scheduling plans with an academic advisor.
When background checks are required:
- At the beginning of the semester in which ED280 or ME222 (Music Ed) is taken.
- Before the semester in which EL314 (EESE) or SE365 or SE360 (MSE) are taken.
- Before the semester in which EL430 or EX309 or CE638 (EESE) or SE380 (MSE) are taken.
Missouri and National Rap Back Program
Southeast Missouri State Teacher Preparation Program participates in the Missouri and National Rap Back Programs. The purpose of the Rap Back program is to allow the Teacher Preparation Program to receive updated Missouri and National fingerprint-based criminal arrest information on individuals who are in the Teacher Preparation Program.
- Background check applicant’s fingerprints shall be retained by the state central repository and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and shall be searched against other fingerprints on file, including latent fingerprints.
- Background check application’s fingerprints, while retained, may continue to be compared against other fingerprints submitted or retained by the FBI, including latent fingerprints.
- Once a background check applicant has graduated from Southeast Missouri State University, withdrawn from Southeast Missouri State University, or changed their major from a Teacher Preparation degree program, they will be removed from the Missouri and National Rap Back program for Southeast Missouri State University.
Next Steps
When a Background Check is Received
No action is taken by the College of Education, Health and Human Studies. Candidates and personnel will be advised that “no news is good news” in terms of Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) notifications.
When CHRI needs to be Addressed
For College of Education, Health and Human Studies personnel, it will be the role of the Associate Dean to review the results of the FBI background check and ensure no one with a criminal history consistent with grounds for dismissal from a teacher education program supervises the receipt of background checks.
For candidates, according to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), if “(a)n individual has pled guilty or been found guilty of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude whether or not a sentence is imposed,” they will not be eligible for a teaching certificate.
Students with a felony conviction are not eligible for matriculation into the teacher education licensure program at Southeast Missouri State. A complete list of convictions not eligible for teacher licensure is provided below.
Students who have one or more offenses shall meet with the Associate Dean to discuss the implication of the offense(s) upon future participation in field experiences and student teaching. Teacher education candidates must understand that individual school districts have the right to reject candidates with a positive criminal history. Students will be expected to create a corrective plan that allows districts to see the potential strengths of the teacher candidate in spite of the offense(s).
Students should be aware that the timing, pattern, and type of offense(s) may prevent placement into a field experience. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education utilizes a standard of moral turpitude in determining whether a teacher education candidate is suitable for work in schools. Moral turpitude is a legal concept in the United States that refers to “conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals.” (West’s Encyclopedia of American Law). Students with repeated offenses may be denied entrance to field experience unless evidence is supplied that the issue is no longer a reoccurring pattern of behavior for the teacher education candidate. (e.g. successful participation in a program for addiction for a student with multiple driving under the influence convictions.) Students may be requested to produce official court documents related to the offenses and the resolution of the issue that resulted in the criminal history. Students will not be required to meet with the Associate Dean for each field experience for a previously reviewed offense. Students with new offenses must meet with the Associate Dean of the College of Education, Health and Human Studies.
Students with any of the offenses below are not eligible to participate in the teacher education program.
- Murder 1st Degree
- Murder 2nd Degree
- Arson 1st Degree
- Assault 1st Degree
- Forcible Rape
- Forcible Sodomy
- Kidnapping
- Robbery 1st Degree
- Rape
- Statutory Rape 1st Degree
- Statutory Rape 2nd Degree
- Sexual Assault
- Statutory Sodomy 1st Degree
- Statutory Sodomy 2nd Degree
- Child Molestation 1st Degree
- Child Molestation 2nd Degree
- Deviate Sexual Assault
- Sexual Misconduct Involving a Child
- Sexual Misconduct 1st Degree
- Sexual Abuse
- Enticement of a Child
- Attempting to Entice a Child
- Incest
- Abandonment of a Child 1st Degree
- Abandonment of Child 2nd Degree
- Endangering the Welfare of a Child 1st Degree
- Abuse of a Child
- Child Used in a Sexual Performance
- Promoting Sexual Performance by a Child
- Trafficking in Children
- Offenses Involving Child Pornography and Related Offenses
- Promoting Obscenity 1st Degree
- Promoting Obscenity 2nd Degree, if the penalty is enhanced to Class D Felony
- Promoting Child Pornography 1st Degree
- Promoting Child Pornography 2nd Degree
- Possession of Child Pornography 1st Degree
- Possession of Child Pornography 2nd Degree
- Furnishing Child Pornography to a Minor
- Furnishing Pornographic Materials to a Minor
- Coercing Acceptance of Obscene Materials
Students removed from the Teacher Education Program due to offenses that are the judgment of the Associate Dean of the College of Education, Health and Human Studies have the right to appeal. Appeals will be made to the Dean of Student Life. The student will have the right to provide documentation related to the offenses as well as other evidence to suggest the teacher candidate should be considered eligible to participate in clinical experiences with children or adolescents. Appeals should be made within 5 days of the decision to remove the student from the Teacher Education Program.
The decision of the Associate Dean may be altered if:
- The sanction is not consistent with past practice.
- New information is suggestive of suitability in clinical experiences.
- Procedural errors regarding the student’s rights involving the administration of the background check process.
Background Check Contact
Candidate Status and Certification Officer(573) 651-5932
Scully Building, 301