Scully Building 110A
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 5750
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Dr. Long is an instructor at Southeast Missouri State University where teaches Child Development and Family Finance. She previously published in the Journal of Negro Education at Howard University. She completed her graduate degree at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois, where she received her Ph.D. and her Master’s degree at Northwestern State University, Louisiana. My specialty area: Literacy with young African American males and their sense of belonging.  She is currently the advisor of the Black Student Union and a member of BFSA (Black Faculty Staff Alliance) at SEMO.
Philosophy for Teaching:

I believe that students need different avenues of learning, whether online, experiential, or face-to-face, to gain valuable teaching skills. I like to provide visual, auditory, and hands-on activities as learning opportunities for students. I want to use real-life situations, story illustrations, and students’ experiences to connect the course material to practical and real-life settings that students may encounter in their personal or professional lives. I believe that knowledge can be broadened and researched so I give online and oral exams.

What Area(s) do you teach?

Child Development and Family Finance


Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Il

M.S., Education, Northwestern State University, Louisiana

B.S., General Studies, Northwestern State University, Louisiana

Why do I teach?

I love sharing ideas and experiences with others and gaining knowledge from their experiences in real-life situations. I enjoy teaching skills that students need and will utilize throughout their careers and lives. Therefore, it is a joy to teach Child Development and Family Finance.

Professional Highlight:

I often present at various conferences and oversee students in their practicum of early childhood care.

Most Recent/Notable Published Work:

I previously published in the Journal of Negro of Education, Howard University

Best Advice for Students:

Go outside and enjoy nature and the surroundings. Go to parks, and lakes or just take a walk to enjoy the beautiful environment around you. Do not cram for tests, connect to other students in your class and build a network to study for tests. Overall, enjoy your college experience and stay safe.