Chair / Professor - Health — Allied Health, Kinesiology, & Sport Sciences
I am entering my 14th year at Southeast Missouri State University, fifth year as Chairperson. My primary educational background is Exercise Physiology, with a line of research in body composition changes over time in Division I athletes. I am a Certified Exercise Physiologist (EP) and Fellow through the American College of Sports Medicine. I am very active in the Central States Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, currently serving as the Executive Director. I have 15 published peer-reviewed journal articles, one book chapter, 75+ published conference proceedings, and several internal grants. I was recently selected as an American Kinesiology Leadership Institute Fellow. I currently serve as the Chairperson of the Board for the Prevention Resource Center, am a member of the Communication and Marketing Committee for the American Kinesiology Association, serve as an invited reviewer for multiple peer-reviewed professional journals, and sit on several external advisory boards.
“ Teaching is the best way to learn. ”
Exercise Science, Health Sciences
Ph.D. Exercise Physiology 2009, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
M.S. Nutrition and Exercise Science 2002, Southeast Missouri State University
B.S. Health Management: Fitness & Sports Medicine 2000, Southeast Missouri State University
Students need to study in a manner that allows for re-teaching to another student. This requires diligent reading on a daily basis.