The mention of Greek Week on the Southeast Missouri State University campus brings thoughts of chariot races, choreographed song and dance, and community-building activities. But among the celebration and competition, Greek Life students learn to give back. Philanthropy is an important part of the Greek Week tradition at Southeast.

Greek Week 2022 raked in more than $29,000 for the surrounding community. Greek Life students also gathered more than 9,500 clothing items and canned goods to support the Redhawk Food Pantry. This year's blood drive collected more than 870 units that were donated to the American Red Cross. Junior Heather Hoffman, says the Greek Week events give students the opportunity to lend a helping hand to local charities.

Greek Week has always been so exciting to me. My first Greek Week was last year, and it was one of the first things we got to do since COVID began. I was co-chair for Greek Week for my chapter, so I truly got to experience all sides of it. One of my favorite parts was getting to work with another chapter and interacting with people who I wouldn’t have otherwise. It was incredible to see the hard work all of Fraternity and Sorority Life put into raising money for charity. All the money raised goes to nonprofits in Cape Girardeau, and it is amazing to see the direct impact we can have on our community.

Heather Hoffman, Southeast Integrated Marketing Communications Student

This year, Greek organizations were paired with nonprofits from around the Cape Girardeau community.

  • Alpha Chi Omega, Phi Delta Theta: Dream Factory
  • Alpha Delta Pi, Sigma Chi: Hope for One More
  • Alpha Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Xi: One City
  • Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Chi, Lambda Chi Alpha: Community Partnership of Southeast Missouri
  • Delta Delta Delta, Pi Kappa Alpha: SEMO NASV
  • Gamma Phi Beta, Sigma Nu: Educare
  • Sigma Sigma Sigma, Sigma Phi Epsilon: Voices for Children

The monetary contributions that will come from Southeast's Greek organizations will no doubt help the community's nonprofits, but for some, the exposure will be just as crucial. This year, the Greek Week overall winners were Alpha Chi Omega and Phi Delta Theta who represented Dream Factory. The organizations donated nearly $7,000 to Dream Factory.

The Dream Factory of Southeast Missouri is a volunteer organization dedicated to granting wishes for local children who are critically or chronically ill. Dream Factory volunteer and Southeast Alumni, Allison Pfau, says she realized how fortunate her family was when they had their first healthy child. She volunteers with the Dream Factory to bring a little joy to the lives of children with medical struggles.

The blood drive is also a major aspect of Greek Week, which was especially beneficial this year due to there being an emergency need. We collect clothes and food and do a service project for whatever charity we are partnered with. In addition to those, Greek Week is simply fun! I have gotten to write our script for the past two years for Greek Sing, and it’s been so fun to see it come alive on stage. Greek Week is so much more than a week--it’s half a semester's worth of things that can truly impact someone’s life forever.

Heather Hoffman, Southeast Integrated Marketing Communications Student

Philanthropy Through the Years

Giving back to the Cape Girardeau community has been a tradition at Southeast for many years. During Greek Week, students get to have a direct impact outside the college campus.

  • Raised $29,570 – with nearly $7,000 raised in just an hour and a half as part of “Money Madness.” 
  • The Greek Week food drive collected over 10,000 items for the Redhawk food pantry.
  • Collected 871 units of blood for the American Red Cross.
  • Collected more than 5,000 articles of clothing and almost 9,000 canned goods and personal hygiene products to support local food pantries. 

  • Southeast held the second-largest collegiate blood drive in the Midwest region, collecting 1,011 units of blood to be donated to the America Red Cross.
  • Southeast Greeks raised $45,166 to benefit the United Way of Southeast Missouri, One City, Hope for One More, Honorable Young Men’s Club, SMEO NASV, Voices for Children/CASA, Community Partnership of Southeast MO, and the Boys & Girls Club of Southeast Missouri.
  • More than 16,000 canned goods were collected for the Redhawk Food Pantry and New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church’s food pantry.
  • More than 8,000 men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing items were collected and donated to the Safe House for Women

  • Fraternity and Sorority Life students assisted the Southeast Missouri Special Olympics.
  • A Walk-A-Mile in Her Shoes event raised awareness for sexual assault prevention against women
  • More than 3,824 community service hours were reported,
  • More than 8,000 items of clothing were collected,
  • Around 15,000 can goods were donated to the Redhawk Pantry.
  • 1,244 units of blood were collected
  • More than $40,000 in donations were raised were used to help support One City, Hope for One More, the Honorable Young Men’s Club, SEMO Network Against Sexual Violence, Voice for Children/CASA, Community Caring Council and Boys & Girls Club of Southeast Missouri.