We are committed to giving students hands-on learning experiences, so you graduate a confident job candidate.

Dempster Hall 

At Southeast, we believe your first day on the job shouldn't be your first day doing the job. Our facilities are designed to get you in the business mindset and foster those hands-on learning experiences. Dempster Hall houses the departments and most courses for the college, providing you with access to current technologies and learning environments. The building is rich with experiential learning labs: presentation labs, marketing lab, focus group research lab, and multiple computer labs including the cybersecurity instructional lab, supported by a private cloud infrastructure. Our Cyber Range, an educational virtual computing platform, enables students and researchers to access computational resources in a myriad of configurations of educational, experimental, and counteraction structures. All of this is designed to prepare you for the professional business world. 

Marketing Lab 

Gain hands-on experience in traditional and digital marketing aspects at the Marketing Lab by working on various marketing projects. The Marketing Lab provides opportunities to work on projects beyond the classroom.

Contact Us
Office Location
Dempster Hall, 225
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 5875
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701