Graduate Faculty
Continue to main contentGraduate Coordinators
Major | Graduate Coordinator | Email Address | Phone Number |
Agribusiness (MS) | Samantha Siemers | | (573) 651-2228 |
Applied Behavior Analysis (MA) | Eric Billington | | (573) 651-2132 |
Applied Computer Science (MS) | Reshmi Mitra | | (573) 651-2920 |
Applied Nutrition (MS) | Joel Ramdial | | (573) 986-2919 |
Athletic Training (MS) | Kyle Schneider | | (573) 651-5193 |
Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate | Dixie McCollum | | (573) 651-2122 |
Biology (MS) | Dustin Siegel | | (573) 651-2170 |
Cloud Computing Certificate | Reshmi Mitra | | (573) 651-2920 |
Communication Disorders (MA) | Susan Fulton | | (573) 651-2499 |
Counseling (Specialist) | Kirsten LaMantia | | (573) 651-2138 |
Criminal Justice (MS) | Brian Donavant | | (573) 651-2628 |
Cybersecurity (MS) | Reshmi Mitra | | (573) 651-2920 |
Cybersecurity Certificate | Reshmi Mitra | | (573) 651-2920 |
Educational Administration (Specialist) | Sam Duncan | | (573) 651-2137 |
Educational Leadership (MA) | Lisa Bertrand | | (573) 651-2137 |
Educational Studies (MA) | Robin Smith | | (573) 651-2137 |
Educational Technology (MA) | Robin Smith | | (573) 651-2137 |
Elementary Education (MA) | Brandy Hepler | |
(573) 651-2122 |
Emergency Management & Preparedness (MS) | Nam Hwang | | (573) 651-2927 |
English (MA) | James Brubaker | | (573) 651-2136 |
Environmental Science (MS) | John Kraemer | | (573) 651-2355 |
Exceptional Child (MA) | Dixie McCollum | | (573) 651-2122 |
Healthcare Management (MS) | Gillian Nicholls | | (573) 651-2016 |
Healthcare Management Certificates | Gillian Nicholls | | (573) 651-2016 |
Higher Education Administration (MA) | Brooke Clubbs | | (573) 651-2521 |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology (MA) | George Yancey | | (620) 794-0738 |
Management (MS) | Gillian Nicholls | | (573) 651-2016 |
MBA | Gillian Nicholls | | (573) 651-2016 |
Mental Health Counseling (MA) | Andrew Siebert | | (573) 651-2132 |
Middle or Secondary Teacher Certification (MAT) | Bill Bratberg | | (573) 651-2137 |
Nursing (MSN) | Gina Koch | | (573) 651-2956 |
Nutrition and Exercise Science (MS) | Francis Tayie | | (573) 651-2890 |
Public Administration (MPA) | Jeremy Walling | | (573) 651-2691 |
Public History (MA) | Joseph Synder | | (573) 651-2177 |
School Counseling (MA) | Jan Ward | | (573) 651-2402 |
School Psychological Examiner Post-Graduate Certificate | Jan Ward | | (573) 651-2402 |
Special Reading K-12 Licensure Certificate | Dixie McCollum | | (573) 651-2122 |
Teacher Leadership (MA) | Margaret Noe | | (573) 651-2137 |
Teacher Leadership (Specialist) | Sherry Copeland | | (573) 651-2137 |
Technology Management (MS) | Brad Deken | | (573) 651-2104 |
TESOL (MA) | Irina Ustinova Sarah Dietrich | |
(573) 986-6872 (573) 651-2629 |
Trauma and Resiliency Studies Certificate | Tony Faber | | (573) 986-6814 |
Graduate Faculty
Faculty Member | Department |
Frederick Adjei | Accounting, Economics, and Finance |
Michael Aide | Agriculture |
Cheryl Alberternst | Nursing |
Suhair Amer | Computer Science |
Fidel Atuo | Biology |
Francis Tayie | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
Jennifer Bengston | History and Anthropology |
Howard Benyon | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Lisa Bertrand | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Eric Billington | Psychology and Counseling |
Raymond Bohannon | Elementary, Early, and Special Education |
Marcus Bond | Chemistry and Physics |
Indi Braden | Agriculture |
Scott Brandhorst | Psychology and Counseling |
Christopher Bradley | Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology |
Willam Bratberg | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
James Brubaker | English |
Michelle Brune | Art and Design |
Moretta Burk | Nursing |
James Caldwell | Management |
Randy Carter | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Garrett Casey | Chemistry and Physics |
Charlotte Cervantes | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
James Champine | Biology |
Anthony Celaya | English |
Hyeon Cho | Marketing |
Ethan Chou | Computer Science |
Sunghoon Chung | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
Shannon Clapsaddle | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Eric Clements | History and Anthropology |
Amber Cook | Theatre and Dance |
Martha Cook | Communications Disorders |
Sherry Copeland | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Bret Cormier | UMC Educational Leadership EdD |
Sandra Cox | English |
Philip Crawford | Chemistry and Physics |
Adam Criblez | History and Anthropology |
Daniel Crocker | English |
Jenny Cropp | English |
Linda Culbertson Garner | Nursing |
David Cunningham | Chemistry and Physics |
Christine Cunningham Ladwig | Marketing |
Robbie Davis | Engineering and Technology |
Bradley Deken | Engineering and Technology |
Emily Denlinger | Art and Design |
Deanna Dial | Nursing |
Kevin Dickson | Management |
Sarah Dietrich | English |
Chris Dittmer | Marketing |
Brian Donavant | Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology |
Benjamin Dow | Accounting, Economics, and Finance |
Corrie Dudley | Nursing |
John Dudley | Engineering and Technology |
Jimmy Duncan | Management |
Andrew Ebert | Psychology and Counseling |
Anthony Faber | Child and Family Studies |
Richard Flotron | DPS |
Erin Fluegge | Management |
Kelley A. Fritz | Biology |
Jessica Fulgoni | Biology |
Susan Fulton | Communications Disorders |
Mario Alberto Garcia | Computer Science |
Bruce Gentry | Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion |
Jana Gerard | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Pamela Gershuny | Marketing |
Santaneel Ghosh | Engineering and Technology |
Trudy Giasi | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Robert Greim | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Shawn Guiling | Psychology and Counseling |
Dena Hale | Marketing |
Joni Hand | Art and Design |
Christine Harr | Missouri Early Literacy Program |
Laura Hatcher | Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion |
Jeremy Heider | Psychology and Counseling |
Allie Helfrich | Marketing |
Brandy Helper | Elementary, Early, and Special Education |
Amy Herren | Communications Disorders |
Brooke Hildebrand Clubbs | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Hamner Hill | Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion |
Steven Hoffman | History and Anthropology |
Karie Hollerbach | Mass Media |
Seong Nam Hwang | Biology |
Arusha Ijaz | Agriculture |
Andrew Johnson | Psychology and Counseling |
Federick Jones | Mass Media |
Timothy Judd | Biology |
Monica Kearney | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
Susan Kendrick | English |
Jonathan Kessler | Chemistry and Physics |
Tahsin Khalid | Elementary, Early, and Special Education |
Michelle Kilburn | Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology |
Lucas Kirschman | Biology |
Courtney Kisat | History and Anthropology |
RaeAnne Kloss | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Katherine Knaup | Psychology and Counseling |
Marthinius Koen | Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology |
Doug Koch | Vice Provost |
Gina Koch | Nursing |
Slavica Kodish | Communications Studies and Modern Languages |
John Kraemer | Biology |
Sarah Kuborn | Child and Family Studies |
Matthew Lacy | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Kirsten LaMantia | Psychology and Counseling |
Lea Anne Lambert | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
Cathy Larino | Management |
Myungwoo Lee | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
ZhouZhou Li | Computer Science |
Sarah Lillo | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Xiaoming Liu | Computer Science |
Ziping Liu | Computer Science |
Cassandra Loggins | Nursing |
Rebecca Lohmann | Accounting, Economics, and Finance |
Kimberly Louie | Communications Studies and Modern Languages |
Hayley Love | Child and Family Studies |
Robert Lowe | Computer Science |
Ismatilla Mardanov | Management |
Leisa Marshall | Accounting, Economics, and Finance |
Jane Maxwell | Psychology and Counseling |
Chuck McAllister | Computer Science and Marketing |
Richard McClard | RPDC Program Income |
Dixie McCollum | Elementary, Early, and Special Education |
Heather McMillan | Management |
Belinda McMurry | Engineering and Technology |
David Miller | Engineering and Technology |
Eduardo Millet | Management |
Reshmi Mitra | Computer Science |
Amy Moore | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
Rachel Morgan Theall | Chemistry and Physics |
Lori Mueller | Management |
Kelly Murray | Kent Library |
Shakirah Nakasagga | Agriculture |
James Newman | Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion |
Joshua Newth | Art and Design |
Gillian Nicholls | Marketing |
Missy Nieveen-Phegley | English |
Margaret Noe | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Quantella Noto | Management |
Emily Obergoenner | Communications Disorders |
Melissa Odegard | Psychology and Counseling |
Peter Oman | Mathematics |
Leslie Pace | Communication Studies and Modern Language |
Nancy Palmeri | Art and Design |
Donnatha Pelts | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Pennie Pflueger | English |
Bradley Phillips | Art and Design |
Justin Pobst | Management |
David Powell | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Amber Prasanphanich | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Michael Presho | Mathematics |
Monica Radu | Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology |
Christina Ragain | Chemistry and Physics |
Joel Ramdial | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
Yvonne Randolph | Management |
Debrah Raschke | English |
Md Rasheduzzaman | Engineering and Technology |
Laura Randen | Communication Disorders |
Joel Rhodes | History and Anthropology |
Craig Roberts | Mathematics |
James Robins | Biology |
William Root | Psychology and Counseling |
Janice Ruesler | Psychology and Counseling |
Robert Ruggiero | Biology |
Hannah Sanders | Art and Design |
Kevin Sargent | Agriculture |
Sarah Sargent | Communication Disorders |
Linda Schaffner | Elementary, Early, and Secondary education |
Kyle Schneider | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
Christopher Schroeder | History and Anthropology |
Andrew Schwartz | Mathematics |
Dana Schwieger | Management |
Karen Scott | Missouri Early Literacy Program |
Sophia Scott | Engineering and Technology |
Sandipan Sen | Marketing |
Connie Senseney | Management |
James Sentell | English |
Joshua Shadwick | Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology |
Sarah Shaner | Chemistry and Physics |
Songyon Shin | Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology |
Jason Sides | Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion |
Andrew Siebert | Psychology and Counseling |
Dustin Siegel | Biology |
Samantha Siemer | Agriculture |
Sajan Silwal | Chemistry and Physics |
Pradeep Singh | Mathematics |
Bruce Skinner | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Robin Smith | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Shonta Smith | Elementary, Early, and Special Education |
Terri Smith | Computer Science |
Joseph Snyder | History and Anthropology |
Kristen Sobba | Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology |
Seidu Sofo | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
Sara Starbuck | Child and Family Studies |
Angela Stiegemeyer | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
Lorreen Stinnett | Nursing |
Steven Stovall | Management |
Mary Harriet Talbut | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
John Tucker | Communication Studies and Modern Languages |
Francis Tayie | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
Michael Taylor | Biology |
Alan Talmage | Agriculture |
Emmanuel Thompson | Mathematics |
Scott Thorne | Marketing |
Misty Tilmon | Communications Disorders |
Julie Tipton | Communications Disorders |
David Thomchuk | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
John Tucker | Communication Studies and Modern Languages |
Mohammad Shahadat Ullah | Computer Science |
Irina Ustonova | English |
Gangaraju Vanteddu | Marketing |
Anthony Varnon | Accounting, Economics, and Finance |
Jason Wagganer | Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences |
Holly Wagner | Psychology and Counseling |
Jeremy Walling | Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion |
Haohao Wang | Mathematics |
Shaojun Wang | Engineering and Technology |
Janice Ward | Psychology and Counseling |
Samantha Washington | Communication Disorders |
Paul Watkins | UMC Education Leadership EdD |
Victor Wilburn | Child and Family Studies |
Nicolas Wilkins | Psychology and Counseling |
Nathan Wills | Leadership, Middle, and Secondary Education |
Asa Wilson | Management |
Jack Winstead | Accounting, Economics, and Finance |
Chris Wubbena | Art and Design |
George Yancey | Psychology and Counseling |
David Yaskewich | Accounting, Economics, and Finance |
Alisha Youngblood Ortiz | Marketing |
Xuesong Zhang | Computer Science |
Yumin Zhang | Engineering and Technology |
Contact Us
Academic Hall 132
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 3400
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701